CPAA is funded by its Members

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The Certified Public Accountants Association is a non-profit, with over 95% of our turnover generated by membership fees/subscriptions. Our Members power all that we do.  

The Association provides important services to our Members, the wider accountancy profession and the public. This ranges from providing high quality technical CPD free to our Members, to investigating complaints from the public when it is felt one of our Members has fallen short of our high standards. In order to fund these activities the Association generates funds by charging membership fees. 

In addition to membership fees we also impose penalties and fines. These are designed to act as sanctions against Members who have failed to meet CPAA's high standards. We only impose these when absolutely necessary as part of our disciplinary processes or to incentivise future compliance. 

Membership Fees

The below table details our current fees. Please note that all fees are charged in GBP and a direct debit facility is only avilable to Practising Members in accordance with our Fees and Refunds Policy.

Membership Class Monthly Fee (£) Annual Fee (£)
Practising 55 660
Non-Practising 26 312
International N/a 290


Member Application Fees

All applicants for Membership must also pay a fee of £150 on submission of their application, in addition to their first annual Membership fee for the class of Membership they are applying for. Applicants for Practising Membership, who wish to pay monthly may pay the application fee of £150 plus their first month's Membership fee, rather than an annual fee. 

These fees are non-refundable. This is because CPAA has incurred costs in evaluating applications and onboarding new members. 

Should an application become inactive (the applicant does not responde to correspondance from the CPAA for a period of three months) the application will be deleted and we will be unable to process a refund. 

Application For Joining Fee (£) First Annual/Monthly Fee (£) Total Application Cost (£)
Practising 150 660/55  810/205
Non-Practising 150 312/26 462/176
International 150 290 440

Qualification/Student Fees

In order to complete a CPAA qualification, students must purchase a Certification Pack. These Packs contain everything a student needs to complete the qualification. Each Certification Pack for the Professional Certification costs £675. 

Students may incur additional, optional, costs if they use third party support in their studies. This is not required to complete the qualifications. 


Member Insurance Scheme Surcharge

Practising Members of the CPAA can enrol in the CPAA Member Insurance Scheme, which includes a comprehensive Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy. Details can be found here. Practising Members are asked if they want to enrol on the Scheme during the application process, and can request enrolment at any time by emailing

There is an additional surcharge to be enrolled on the scheme. If the Member pays their Membership Fee monthly an additional £25 will be applied to each monthly direct debit, resulting in a total monthly direct debit of £80. If the Member pays their Membership Fee annually an additional £300 will be payable on renewal, resulting in a total annual cost of £960.